When enabled, admins can enter and track commission fees for any order. You can also generate an invoice from these fees, or generate a commission sheet for a selected appraiser.
Allow Commission
You can enable commission recording within your Firm Settings.
Create Commission
After you allow commission recording from within your Firm Settings, you should have the ability to create commission fees for an order. From within your Admin Dashboard, click on "View/Edit" for any order. All the order information should show, but if you scroll down you will see the option to "Create Commission."
Enter as many commission fees here, along with their commission percentage and rate. If you have invoicing enabled, you will have the option to create an invoice with the commission fees you have entered. Make sure to click "Create Commission" when you are done.
View Commission
After you create any commission fees for an order, you will be redirected back to the "View Order" page, but now with all the details you have entered.
You can always just click on "View/Edit" for any order on the Admin dashboard to go back to this page at any time.
Edit Commission
You can edit any commission fees you have entered even after you created them. For example, you can update the Appraiser "Paid On" field later on after the commission fee is created. Make sure to click "Update Commission" to save your changes. There's also an option to "Delete Commission" if you no longer need it.