Promo Codes
Give your administrators the ability to enter promo codes to be used by brokers when placing orders. When brokers use these promo codes, admins can track these orders and apply any special promotion needed.
View Promo Codes
This will show a table of all promo codes that have been entered for your firm. You can also update any promo code by clicking "Edit" and you can delete a promo code by clicking "Delete Promo Code" on the Edit screen.
Add Promo Code
Allows you to add a promo code for your firm.
View Promo Code Orders
Click on "View Orders" to view all the orders that have used a particular promo code when placing an order.
Enter promo code as a broker
Once the setting for promo codes has been enabled in your Firm Settings, brokers will be able to enter a promo code when placing an order.